John Cottrell John Cottrell

Yoga in Bed: A Guide to Relaxing and Rejuvenating Practices

Yoga in bed is not just about convenience; it's a gentle way to wake up your body in the morning or wind down in the evening. The soft surface of the bed adds a comforting element to the practice, making it ideal for those who seek a less intense yoga session.

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John Cottrell John Cottrell

Keep Your Cool: The Best Yoga Shorts for Hot Yoga

Hot yoga, in all its steamy glory, demands more from your attire. To keep you as comfortable as possible, your shorts need to be breathable, sweat-wicking, stretchable, and durable. And let's not forget stylish - because who says you can't look good while busting out a killer Warrior III?

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John Cottrell John Cottrell

Introducing the Ultimate Yoga Companion: MBODY's Vintage Yoga Shorts

Yoga isn't just a workout; it's a lifestyle. It's about finding balance and harmony within ourselves and the world. For that, we need gear that's not just functional, but an extension of our purpose. Enter MBODY, a premier destination dedicated to quality men's yoga clothing.

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